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An event for the teachers of English of Palanga ‘Methodology Fair’


Palangos miesto anglų kalbos mokytojų metodinė diena

Palangos senosios gimnazijos anglų kalbos mokytojos, projekto Erasmus+ narės A.Janušienė ir A.Kaklienė prisatė inovatyvius aktyvius mokymo metodus miesto anglų kalbos mokytojų ‘Metodų turguje’. Renginyje aktyvius metodus pristatė ir kiti Palangos senosios gimnazijos anglų kalbos mokytojai Ž.Galinskaitė, V.Kirilov ir J.Žulkus. Renginyje dalyvavo mokytojos iš Šventosios ir Palangos ‘Baltijos’ pagrindinių mokyklų. Projekto Erasmus+ ‘DARE’ komandos nariams svarbu ne tik dalintis gerąja patirtimi, bet ir pasisemti patirties iš kolegų. Todėl miesto anglų kalbos mokytojus sukvietęs renginys tapo puikia platforma projektą Erasmus+ vykdantiems mokytojams.

October 25, 2017

An event for the teachers of English of Palanga ‘Methodology Fair’

Venue: Palanga Senoji Gymnazija

Teachers of English at Palanga Senoji Gymnazija, members of Erasmus+ team A.Janušiene and A.Kakliene presented innovative active methods of teaching in the event called ‘Methodology Fair’, which was organized for the teachers of English of Palanga. The other English teachers of Palanga Senoji Gymnazija Ž.Galinskaitė, V.Kirilov and J.Žulkus also presented active teaching methods. Using online authentic materials is what makes our project innovative. One of the biggest benefits of the Internet for the participants is the sudden widespread availability of authentic resources. We found it very useful that teacher V.Kirilov presented a website which provides authentic material for the English lessons as well as innovative active teaching methods. English teachers of Šventoji and Palanga ‘Baltijos’ basic schools participated in the event. It is essential for the members of the project Erasmus+ ‘DARE’ not only to share their personal knowledge and experience, but also to learn from the colleagues. That is why the event which was organized for the teachers of English of Palanga served as an excellent platform for the teachers implementing the goals of the project ‘DARE’. We expect increased motivation for language learning through innovative teaching methods and better links to practical use of language skills required by the labour market. By using the methods presented, we will create a more modern, dynamic and professional environment inside our school and we will integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities.

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