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Erasmus+ project DARE participants in ‘Baltijos’ school

After doing a successful job, we always want to share it with others. It gives a lot of joy to both ourselves and  those we shared with.

On December 11th, 2018  Palanga Senoji Gimnazia Erasmus+ Team members Aistė Putriūtė, Gabija Juozapaitytė and Emilija Liutikaitė were happy to present their experience in this project to the students of the 8th grade of Palanga ‘Baltijos‘ school and their English teachers V.Gulbinskiene and G.Rimkute. The result matched the expectations: the students were great listeners, they were anxciously performing the tasks which  had been prepared in advance by the Erasmus+ students (A questionaire based on the informatikon which was presented to the students). The girls appreciated the attention and great interest in the activities and experiences of Erasmus DARE project – the students who provided the best answers  were awarded with the project prizes – caps with the DARE design.

Next year, many of these eighth-graders  are likely to become part Palanga Senoji Gymnazia community, about which they have already learned from the Erasmus+ project participants.

Erasmus+ coordinator

Audra Kakliene



Yesterday, on December 11th three  members of Erasmus+ team and their teacher A. Kaklienė from Palanga  Senoji Gynnasium gave a presentation on their experience in the project to the students of 8c of „Baltijos” basic school. Our students described the presentation as very interesting, creative as well as informative. The best part, they said, was the quiz, which had been prepared by the guests. The majority of our eighth formers would like to participate in such a project in the future. We are thankful for the shared information and the prizes.