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„DARE: Democratic Actions Rule Europe”

Projekto pavadinimas:

DARE – Democratic Actions Rule Europe (Demokratiniai veiksmai valdo Europą)

Projekto tikslai:

  • Paruošti mokinius realiam pasauliui, ugdyti demokratiškai, socialiai ir politiškai aktyvius piliečius ir pagrindines kompetencijas – demokratiją, toleranciją, solidarumą, aktyvų pilietiškumą, kritinį mąstymą, suartinti monokultūrines bendruomenes su daugiakultūre Europa.
  • Mokytis taikiai gyventi Europoje, dalintis gerąja patirtimi.

Visa informacija apie projekto eigą ir veiklą prieinama projekto DARE internetiniame puslapyje

Projekto koordinatorius:

119 Secondary School „Academician Mihail Arnaudov„ (119 СУ Академик Михаил Арнаудов) Sofija, Bulgarija. (1500 mokinių, 1-12 klasės, mokyklai daugiau kaip 50 metų. 4 profiliai (Humanitarian /English, Bulgarian, History and Civilization, Philosophy/,  Earth Science /Biology and Health education, Geography and Economy and Chemistry/ , Languages – /English, Russian, French and History and Civilization/ and Technological / Entrepreneur / Marketing, Accounting, Management).

Projekto partneriai:

  • Liceo delle scienze umane e linguistico danilo dolci Palermo, Italija. ( vidurinė mokykla, 1400 mokinių (Language and Human Sciences).
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Paredes de Coura Paredes de Coura, Portugalija. (Vienintelė mokykla 9500 gyventojų turinčioje gyvenvietėje; jungtinė mokykla (pradinė, pagrindinė ir vidurinė), 852 mokiniai.

Projekto trukmė:

2017-10-01 – 2019-09-30 (24 mėn.)

Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Strategic Partnerships

„DARE: Democratic Actions Rule Europe”

Beginning: October 1, 2017

Duration: 24 months


119 Secondary School „Academician Mihail Arnaudov”

Our school is situated in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.  The school is one of the biggest schools in Sofia with more  than 50 years experience. We have 1500 students. Our students are from 1st to 12th grade, from 7 to 18-19 years old.  We teach compulsory subjects like Bulgarian language and literature, Maths, History, Geography, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology and Logic, Philosophy, PE. In the primary level we use programs of Junior Achievement to teach entrepreneurship to our students for 8 years. At higher level we teach Entrepreneurship to our students for 5 years. After the 4th grade /at secondary level /we have 5 profiles: Maths, Human and Nature, Physical education, Languages – Bulgarian and Russian. All our students study English as a foreign language.


liceo delle scienze umane e linguistico danilo dolci

Liceo Danilo Dolci” is a High School of Language and Human Sciences (Liceo Linguistico e delle Scienze Umane) lying in a quite poor district in Palermo called Brancaccio, historically dominated by the violence of mafia.

Agrupamento de Escolas de Paredes  de Coura

Agrupamento de Escolas de Paredes de Coura is a non-profit public elementary, basic and secondary aggregation of schools located in Paredes de Coura.It is located in Northern Portugal, a municipality with about 9500 inhabitants and is the only public school in the county. Is is a rural area but in the last  years some factories have established locally enriching the area, bringing more employment. It comprises 3 schools, one of which is a Kindergarten,  the second is a primary school and the Secondary School from the 5th to the 12th grade. 50% of its 852 of students are subsidised by the local council and the state and the vast majority reside in the parishes outside the village.

About the project

With the opening of borders and global migration issues, the need to prepare our students better for the real world has never been greater. Students should be taught to acquire a wider perspective, key competences and a good sense of EU citizenship as well as to be democratically active citizens. They should also be aware of fundamental values in EU such as democracy, tolerance, solidarity, active citizenship and critical thinking. Open minds can help make the world a better place to live.

The main objectives of the project „DARE: Democratic Actions Rule Europe” are to educate socially and politically active citizens, who will play an active role in democratic life, to foster tolerance, social integration and to enhance intercultural understanding which will eventually lead to more cohesive and inclusive societies. The participating schools will link formal, informal and non-formal education as well as social and voluntary activities in order to strengthen progress towards these goals.

Our project has been created to attempt to bridge the gap between mono-cultural communities and a multicultural Europe. High school students will learn about different countries around Europe by meeting a diverse group of students from different geographical   regions. By participating in discussions, seminars, events, surveys, meetings, case studies and interactive social  activities participants will be challenged to confront stereotypes in their own lives and promote the ideas of EU  citizenship and democracy.