Video film competition ‘What EU values are important to you?’

We will soon celebrate an important event – the restored independent Lithuania will celebrate its thirtieth anniversary on 11 March. For the young generation, three decades is an indefinitely long time. They learn about the events of the year 1990 from books, documentaries, stories from parents, grandparents. Can you imagine that during the Soviet era, Lithuanians did not see Hollywood films, radio did not play Western music, people did not have the opportunity to travel, not to mention the fact that people were arrested and imprisoned for their opposition to Soviet rule. But this was before Lithuania became an independent free state again. We live differently now. What values are important to today’s youth? It is gratifying that they understand that the values of our country, such as democracy, freedom, dignity, justice, allow us to enjoy the simple, everyday things we often do not even think about. Our students have been focusing on values over the past month and have been encouraged by Erasmus teachers to make videos of what is important to them, the values they treasure in their lives. From a few dozen videos, the panel selected the most creative, fun and informative for the teachers and students to see. We are glad that our students are so brave, hardworking and creative. This competition is a follow-up to the values-based activities launched by Erasmus teachers in January.