To mark the Day of Tolerance Palanga Senoji Gymnazia held an event on November 16, 2019. Erasmus+ teachers and students contributed to this event by raising the issue of violence in Lithuania and the whole world.
Prior to the event teachers A.Kakliene and A.Janusiene had class discussions with students of different classes about the types of violence and how to deal with them. The students were also invited to create videos on the topic of violence to make people aware of the issue and also to suggest ways how to tackle the problem. Working in teams students did research on the topic and created quite a few videos. They were all very different and were all shown first in the English classes where the students expressed their opinions about the videos, asked questions and discussed. The best videos were chosen for the Day of Tolerance. The aim was to make the students aware of the issue, make them reconsider their own behaviour and think what kind of support they could provide to the victims of violence.
The films were shown to the IInd grade students, and monitored by their English teachers and their class teachers they worked in groups to create anti-violence posters. The students chose prompts for the poster: ‘Why do people bully?’, ‘Getting help’, ’How does the victim feel?’, ‘Ways to prevent bullying’, ‘Activities for an anti-bullying week’, etc. Alongside the videos made by our students, the Italian students‘ viedeo was shown to make everyone acquainted with our Erasmus+ partners‘ work and to illustrate the worldwide scale of the issue.
Many students were moved by the videos, some said they didn‘t think violence was really an issue. This activity made the students more aware and better informed citizens.